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59 Vol.5, No.2 [Articles] Inventors of the First Alphabetic System: Hints from Two Alphabetic Inscriptions in the M… 첨부 4885
58 Vol.5, No.1 [Book Review] Gli Uomini, il Tempo e la Polvere Fonti e Documenti per una storia demografica italian… 첨부 4879
57 Vol.5, No.1 [Book Review] Islamist Terrorism and Democracy in the Middle East 첨부 5500
56 Vol.5, No.1 [Articles] Religious Roots of a Political Ideology: Judaism and Christianity at the Cradle of Zionis… 첨부 5518
55 Vol.5, No.1 [Articles] The Battle Standard (Flag) with the Image of the Immaculate Conception 첨부 5758
54 Vol.5, No.1 [Articles] The Italian Labor Market: An Appraisal of the 2003 ‘Biagi Law’ 첨부 5054
53 Vol.5, No.1 [Articles] Italo-Maltese Relations(ca. 1150 -1936): People, Culture, Literature, Language 첨부 4962
52 Vol.4, No.2 [Book Review] Victory of the West. The Story of the Battle of Lepanto Niccolò Capponi, London, Macmi… 첨부 4930
51 Vol.4, No.2 [Book Review] Henkakuki no Ejiputo Shakai: Maigureeshon, Shuugyou, Hinkon (The Egyptian Society in T… 첨부 5626
50 Vol.4, No.2 [Article] The Hymns to the Gods in Plato’s Laws 첨부 5108
49 Vol.4, No.2 [Article] Spatial Influence in the Meeting of Poet-Poetry and the Language of Cities 첨부 6013
48 Vol.4, No.2 [Article] The Ultimate Portraiture: God in Paradise Lost and in The Divine Comedy 첨부 5570
47 Vol.4, No.2 [Article] What Place Does the “Hymns to the Gods” Occupy in Plato’s Republic ? 첨부 4965
46 Vol.4, No.2 [Article] Women, Death and the Body in some of Plutarch’s writings 첨부 5596
45 Vol.4, No.1 [Book Review] The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment 첨부 5406
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