Guidelines for authors
□ We only accept manuscripts in the English language.
□ Manuscripts should not exceed 8000-10000 words.
□ Manuscripts should be submitted as Word documents, double-spaced, font size 12 (Times New Roman).
□ Manuscripts must include these elements in the following order:
1. A cover page with the article title, author’s name, academic position, institutional affiliation, and contact information
(address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address).
2. An abstract of 150 words.
3. Five keywords.
4. The text body with footnotes.
5. References.
6. Tables and figures (if applicable).
□ Manuscripts should not include information that could identify the author (acknowledgments etc. can be added later).
□ All quotations in other languages must be accompanied by English translations.
□ References in non-Latin characters need to be romanized.
□ Previously published articles or translations of published articles will not be accepted.
□ Permission to use illustrations etc. from other works needs to be secured by the author.
□ The journal follows the Chicago citation style, using the author-date version. For detailed information please refer to
□ Citations should be included parenthetically within the text.
□ Footnotes should be used for additional comments.